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The Father, The Lord Jesus Christ & and The Holy Spirit - The triune God Almighty!


By Julie A. Dawes

Satan may have reign of the earth for now, but it is still God's beautiful world.  He created us and all that's in it.  Let's try to look through the cloud of sin and marvel at what we can see of God's very existence through the beauty of His creation.

 Let us first consider the unconditional bonds of love within the human creation.  There are family bonds, friendship bonds, and bonds between our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We also have  bonds with our pets.  

 These bonds of love are the only thing we have to try to comprehend the divine and perfect love God has for us.  Even the purity of God's love goes beyond our understanding.  

 Nevertheless, it is God's love  we see when we watch a mother with her child, a groom smiling at his bride, or a child hugging a puppy.

 Now let's look at the seasons.    When we look beyond the worries and concerns of the elements, we find a unique beauty that only God could create.  

 Notice the breathtaking scenery in Winter as fields take on a magical appearance as snowflakes glitter in the sunlight.  What a beautiful sight it is to see sunshine on a tree when every sprig is clothed in sparkling crystal.

 During Summer, how fascinating it is to see flowers lean on the sun's rays or watch leaves turn upside down in anticipation of rain. Watch the theatrical performance of shadows as they waltz around their owners.  Even the billowy clouds cast graceful shadows across the mountain tops.

 Enjoy the excitement in Spring of nature's finest fireworks with a skyshow of lightning and  booms of thunder.  Afterward, look for signs of new life as virgin green emerge from their resting place in the ground.

 Listen to Fall's spectacular symphony as the wind creates music with trees. Watch the colorful leaves respond as they dance gracefully to the melody.

 God has created marvels and miracles in every season for us to enjoy.  It would be a shame to let the secrets of the seasons go by unnoticed.

 Finally, let's look at the plants and animals.  Each creature is perfectly equipped with the necessities of survival.  Each have their own grace, beauty, and purpose.  

 Only God can create the fascinating scales of a fish, the intricacies of feathers on a bird, and a colorful pattern to every coat of fur.  

 Even the plants of the earth were created with just as much thought, care, and purpose; from the sweetly-perfumed petals and delicately-designed leaves, to the royal majesty of a tree.

 We all take things for granted, but let's try everyday to appreciate the creation of God.  The more we look, the more we're apt to see.

 I feel sorry for those who think there is no God, for they are blinded by the veil of sin and cannot see the divine creation in the things of the earth or heaven. How boring and tedious it must be for them.  

 Even though they live in the same world as I, I'm sure it is a more enjoyable place for me, for I can see that it is indeed God's beautiful world!


By Julie A. Dawes

Do you feel awed by thunderstorms,

By strong wind as a tornado forms;

The crashing splendor of waterfalls,

Or swirling artistry of snow squalls?

Do you feel the Sovereignty of God?

Do you notice the dawn of day & dusk of night,

Or the glow of peonies in soft moonlight;

The evening performance of fireflies,

Or birds soaring high up in the skies?

Have you seen the Magnificence of God?

Do you see sunrays through the trees,

Water scattering diamonds in the breeze;

A gentle rainbow in a warm, misty rain,

Or flowers decorating a country lane?

Have you seen the Beauty of God?

Have you seen a puppy wash a child's face,

Or couples holding hands in a crowded place;

A mother kissing her child's hurt away,

Or father helping a stranger on his way?

Have you seen the Wonders of God?

Have you felt the pain of nails through your hand,

Or the chill from people who don't understand?

Have you felt the longing to love someone,

To have to sacrifice your only Son?

Have you ever felt the Love of God?