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The Father, The Lord Jesus Christ & and The Holy Spirit - The triune God Almighty!


By Julie A. Dawes

   It was the night before our field trip in school.  I couldn't sleep because of the excitement and anticipation that an 8-year old has.  It seemed like morning would never come.
    I laid in bed wide awake thinking of bus rides to what seemed like faraway places, knowing these are places my family would ordinarily not go to see.
    I remembered the special lunch that was packed for me and the two dollars my mom scraped up so I could get a souvenir.  This was one of the few times my mom had a little extra money for me to take.  I hoped to find something special for her there.
   Finally, after what seemed like hours, my excitement abated enough to allow a contented sleep.
    Morning came.  I scrambled out of bed after Mom's first call, (it usually took three), and got dressed as fast as I could.  The butterflies in my stomach were awake too, active with excitement.  I shoveled down my breakfast, gave Mom a kiss good-bye, grabbed the $2.00 along with my special lunch, and was off.
   Our field trip was to the Farmer's Museum in Cooperstown.  It seemed like a long ride from Worcester, but we amused ourselves by singing typical bus-ride songs.
   When we arrived, it was like entering another world.  The old-fashioned clothes and equipment were fascinating.  They wove their own clothes and made their own tools.
   In no time at all, it was time to eat.  We raced back to the bus and grabbed our lunches to have a picnic outside.  It was not often I had a lunch like this.  It was special in that it had a variety of snacks and a sandwich of my choice.  Normally we made due with what we had with one or no snack.
   With lunch over, we spent another hour sight-seeing.  Then it was time for the souvenir shop.  Oh, how I hoped there would be something cheap enough for me to buy!
   I wandered around the whole shop, but I didn't see anything I liked.  I wandered around again, slowly this time.  I had almost given up hope when I saw some chimes.  They were beautiful and sounded so pretty! Mom would love them!
   My heart started to pound with anticipation.  I was almost certain they would be too expensive for me.  I looked for the price tag, but there was none.
   I was very shy and my hands began to shake at the thought of having to ask someone the price.  I considered putting them back and not asking at all.  I knew I would regret that, however, so I walked around to muster up enough courage.  Finally, I went to the cash register to ask the sales clerk the price.
   "$1.99",  she said.
   I couldn't believe!  I had enough money!  With a grin from ear to ear, I put the chimes on top of the counter and reached for my two dollars. She rung them up and said, "$2.11 please."
   Just as fast as my heart sang, it sank.  I never thought to add sales tax! Red with embarrassment, I fought to control the tears of disappointment.
   "I'll have to put them back", I said quietly.
   The sales clerk looked at me with compassion.
   "I'm so sorry", she said.
   As I reached for the chimes, a woman behind me put her hand on my shoulder.  I turned to look at her just in time to see her give the sales clerk the money I lacked!
   The look on my face must have said everything, just as her smile said everything to me.  Even the sales clerk was choked up with emotion as she handed me the bag with my chimes in it.
   Now over 25 years later, I too am scraping up a few dollars for field trips to send with my own children. As each one comes along, I am reminded of that wonderful woman.  Even though I don't remember her face, her small act of kindness in that one moment will be with me forever.
   Then I praise God and thank Him for His gift of my "treasure chest". What a  precious gift to give a little girl!  Each time I recall that experience years ago, I am lifting the lid of a treasure chest containing priceless items. Items such as  compassion, generosity, joy, thankfulness, and love, all compacted into one special moment - a moment never forgotten!